Tag: Coronavirus

Beirut, Weekly Report # 14, April 24th, 2020

Cronache dal Libano by Yves Beirut, 24 April With the return of former Prime Minister Saad Hariri from Paris to Lebanon by private jet on Friday 17, it seems that the opposition to the government is gathering some momentum. According to…

Beirut, Weekly Report # 11, April 3rd, 2020

Cronache dal Libano by Yves Beirut, 3 April Headlines are still on the Coronavirus pandemic. While the Lebanese press is reporting that 3,75 billion people are quarantined all over the world, almost half of its population, it announces that Europe…

Emergenza coronavirus

Coronavirus “Covid-19” Considerata la forte criticità della situazione, <omeganews.info> sente il desiderio di fornire il modesto contributo di cui è capace monitorando gli aspetti istituzionali e scientifici della situazione. Per fare ciò, apriremo a breve una rubrica del giornale interamente…